What's with him?
He's upset. He misses his wardrobe.
What do we do?
Listen, I got a pIan worked out.
We trust him?
We've known each other 1 5 years.
-We trusted our Iawyers.
-And the judge.
And that got us nowhere.
Now trust me.
Now that is a risky proposition.
I got a present for you.
You're unbeIievabIe!
I do miss my wardrobe.
This is the ventiIation system.
Enter it from
the utiIity shaft in the yard.
This main ventiIation shaft
Ieads beyond the waII.
I can shut down one fan
and Ieave this door unIocked.
I'II get you the right work detaiI
and Ieave tooIs at the shaft.
This way Iooks faster.
-No, it's Ionger.
-Let's stick to pIan A.
Let's get you to the infirmary.
Why your pIan A?
It's better than your pIan B,
which you don't even have.
Not yet, but I wiII.
My partner in pain.
Sokowski got us trash detaiI. Let's go.
Whoopee! Race you to the dumpster.
It's set for now. Come on.
I'm not going.
Did you have a brain meItdown?
Look, I have an aversion
to getting FUBAR.
"-What's FUBAR?
-""Fucked up beyond aII recognition. """
I don't trust Sokowski!
He's a cop, for Chrissake!
What's this?
My fiancйe, SIinky.
Up, SIinky.
Let's see how business is.
You are one mistrustfuI,
maIadjusted human fucking being!