It's better than your pIan B,
which you don't even have.
Not yet, but I wiII.
My partner in pain.
Sokowski got us trash detaiI. Let's go.
Whoopee! Race you to the dumpster.
It's set for now. Come on.
I'm not going.
Did you have a brain meItdown?
Look, I have an aversion
to getting FUBAR.
"-What's FUBAR?
-""Fucked up beyond aII recognition. """
I don't trust Sokowski!
He's a cop, for Chrissake!
What's this?
My fiancйe, SIinky.
Up, SIinky.
Let's see how business is.
You are one mistrustfuI,
maIadjusted human fucking being!
I Iove you, too.
I'm not coming back for you.
You're making a big mistake.
You don't have to.
Hope you make it, Cash.
Let's go, you're Iate!
I hope you and Cousin It. . .
. . .are very happy together. . .
. . .and raise a beautifuI Iitter.
You're haIf an hour Iate, asshoIe!
I'm doing my best, boss.