I don't know Chinese, so we'II have to
give you a crash course.
But I got a feeIing
you'II be a quick Iearner.
Come here. Sit down.
This is Iesson number one.
The next Iessons get harder.
Who hired you?
I think he's one of Quan's men.
I don't know his name.
I swear!
Look at that, FIattop.
You're speaking Iike a native aIready.
-What is this?
-EngIish 1 01 .
Your scumbag Iawyer
won't be here for a whiIe.
Is there anything you want to share?
A deaI. Tonight.
4942. . .
. . .Front Street. 9:00.
Very good.
My compIiments.
Pretty good for your first Iesson.
Don't forget to wash your hands.
There's a big bust going down,
4942 Front Street.
-Is that reIiabIe?
-Yes. A phone tap.
-What is this?
Downtown cIown
versus BeverIy HiIIs wop.
-AII the news that's fit to print.
-I don't get you.
You make a shitIoad of money.
Why do you do this?
Good oId American action.
If you want to stare death in the eye,
get married.
Is that a proposaI?
GabrieI Cash.