-Is that reIiabIe?
-Yes. A phone tap.
-What is this?
Downtown cIown
versus BeverIy HiIIs wop.
-AII the news that's fit to print.
-I don't get you.
You make a shitIoad of money.
Why do you do this?
Good oId American action.
If you want to stare death in the eye,
get married.
Is that a proposaI?
GabrieI Cash.
How many miIIions?
How many?
How many this time?
Oh, God!
Ray Tango!
He Ioves to dance.
He waItzes in and takes aII my drugs. . .
. . .and then Tangos out again.
I've had enough.
Too much teIevision. . .
. . .can hurt your eyes.
Now do you see why we can't kiII them?
I do not see.
It wouId be much quicker.
And easier.
Quicker. . .
. . .and easier.
That's how you make a cake.