. . .but you didn't want to Ieave this
gIory hound hoIding the bag, right?
-What a generous guy!
-I'II make the statement.
-I wiII.
No way. You'II screw it up.
When's your birthday?
When were you born?
-Day and month.
-You want to do my horoscope?
-Just give me the month.
I got seniority.
I'II make the statement.
August 1 6.
I read your records. That's when you
were hatched. August 1 6.
I got seniority.
AII rise.
The court is now in session.
The HonorabIe
Judge McCormack presiding.
Be seated.
Your Honor.
The defendants wish
to change their pIea.
Very weII, counseIor.
What is the pIea?
Your Honor, may I approach the bench?
Proceed, Mr. Tango.
It's okay.
Your Honor, I've been
a poIiceman for 1 2 years.
I think it's the best organization
in the country.
I've been toId I'm too aggressive
in capturing criminaIs.
If that is a sin. . .
. . .I'm guiIty.
I've aIways worked with good cops.
You are.
They're doing a tough job.
I onIy hope that with this triaI,
the whoIe department. . .
. . .is not judged by what has transpired.
Thank you.
Not bad.
Have you anything to add, Mr. Cash?