Very weII, counseIor.
What is the pIea?
Your Honor, may I approach the bench?
Proceed, Mr. Tango.
It's okay.
Your Honor, I've been
a poIiceman for 1 2 years.
I think it's the best organization
in the country.
I've been toId I'm too aggressive
in capturing criminaIs.
If that is a sin. . .
. . .I'm guiIty.
I've aIways worked with good cops.
You are.
They're doing a tough job.
I onIy hope that with this triaI,
the whoIe department. . .
. . .is not judged by what has transpired.
Thank you.
Not bad.
Have you anything to add, Mr. Cash?
Mr. Tango has spoken very eIoquentIy.
I wish I couId be as forgiving.
But I can't, because. . .
. . .this whoIe thing. . .
. . .fucking sucks!
This is a piIe of shit!
Your Honor!
Be seated, Mr. Cash.
Your Honor, the defendants
wish to pIead no contest. . .
. . .to a charge of
voIuntary mansIaughter.
This is part of an agreement?
Yes. The state
recommends a sentence. . .
. . .of not more than 1 8 months
in a minimum-security faciIity.
Mr. Cash, Mr. Tango, do you
enter this pIea of your own free wiII?