I don't know you that weII.
Don't worry.
Someday the other one wiII drop.
You just keep taIking, tripod!
Sure, Minnie Mouse!
By the way. . .
. . .I bet they stick us
in the generaI popuIation.
They don't put cops
in generaI popuIation.
Never put cops in
generaI popuIation, huh?
Cash, I'II Iight your fucking boweIs!
I'II stick brown sugar up your ass!
Shit, I put haIf these guys away.
Tango, you're going to be my bitch!
I'II kick your fucking ass!
You know what I hate?
-Goddamn it!
I forgot the marshmaIIows.
I don't think rehabiIitation
is working here.
They're just misunderstood.
Bring them to me!
Bring them to me!
Cops! Cops!
Bring them here!
Come here!
I want to taIk to you.
Hey, punk!
When I get out of here,
I'II tear you a new ass.
You know Captain DynabaII here?
I Ioved you in Conan the Barbarian.
If you need me, me and my ass
wiII be in the neighborhood.
You fucking pig! It's over for you!
You're going to be very popuIar here.
Funny, I don't see
your fan cIub, either.