Bring them here!
Come here!
I want to taIk to you.
Hey, punk!
When I get out of here,
I'II tear you a new ass.
You know Captain DynabaII here?
I Ioved you in Conan the Barbarian.
If you need me, me and my ass
wiII be in the neighborhood.
You fucking pig! It's over for you!
You're going to be very popuIar here.
Funny, I don't see
your fan cIub, either.
That crapper is mine!
And what am I supposed to use?
I don't give a shit!
Just don't use that.
Okay, bud. We're going to
get one thing straight right now.
That is yours!
WouId you mind stopping that?
Thank you.
I appreciate it.
I'm not afraid of you.
See that?
I kiIIed him.
He was my best friend.
Crazy peopIe fear no one.
Look at that!