Goddamn it! You know
McWhirter can't run an ROV worth shit!
Then you'd better go.
I'll go.
What is your problem? On this dive
you'll do absolutely nothing
without direct orders from me.
And you'll follow those orders
without discussion. Is that clear?
I want everyone
ready to get wet in 15 minutes.
- Gimme a hand loading Little Geek.
- Let's get suited up.
Hey, guys! Hold it a second.
Hold it!
...it's 3am. These guys are running on
bad coffee and about four hours of sleep.
Maybe you could cut them some slack.
- I can't afford slack.
- You come on my rig, you don't talk to me,
and you start ordering my people around.
It's not gonna work.
You gotta know how to handle these people.
We got a certain way of doing things here.
I'm not interested in your way of doing
things. Just get your team ready to dive.
These guys have got no sense of humour.
Bud, do you know your hand is blue?
Finler, why don't you just shut up
and put your gear on?
Keep it coming.
Hippy, throw me
one of them cyalumes, please.
- Good.
- Excuse me.
- What is all this stuff?
- Fluid breathing system. We just got them.
- You use it when you go really deep.
- How deep?
- Deep.
- How deep?
It's classified.
You breathe liquid
so you can't get compressed.
- The pressure doesn't get you.
- You mean you got liquid in your lungs?
Oxygenated, fluorocarbon
- emulsion.
- Bullshit!
Check this out.
- Can I borrow your rat?
- What are you doin'?
You're gonna... You're gonna kill her!