These guys have got no sense of humour.
Bud, do you know your hand is blue?
Finler, why don't you just shut up
and put your gear on?
Keep it coming.
Hippy, throw me
one of them cyalumes, please.
- Good.
- Excuse me.
- What is all this stuff?
- Fluid breathing system. We just got them.
- You use it when you go really deep.
- How deep?
- Deep.
- How deep?
It's classified.
You breathe liquid
so you can't get compressed.
- The pressure doesn't get you.
- You mean you got liquid in your lungs?
Oxygenated, fluorocarbon
- emulsion.
- Bullshit!
Check this out.
- Can I borrow your rat?
- What are you doin'?
You're gonna... You're gonna kill her!
- It's OK. I've done this myself.
- Man! You're just drowning her?
He's gonna be fine.
I've breathed this myself.
- It's gonna be fine.
- No, man. She's gonna drown!
- She's freaking out!
- It's a normal adjustment period.
Does this look normal to you?
She's gonna drown!
He's taking the fluid into his lungs.
He's taking the fluid into his lungs.
There he goes. Still has a bit of anxiety here.
Now he's starting to relax.
He's breathing fine. See his chest moving?
- He's getting plenty of oxygen.
- Damn rat's breathing that shit.
That is, no bullshit, hands down,
the goddamnedest thing I ever saw.
The fluid's harder to push in and out than air.
It's a little more work to breathe.
But he's doing fine. He's diggin' it.
She's doin' it. She ain't diggin' it.
All right, let her out now!
- Now!
- OK. All right.
OK. Now we let the fluid drain from his lungs.
All right. Give her here. Give her here.