[ People Chattering ]
[ Barking ]
- What, you tired ? Huh ? Hope so.
- [ Shuts Off Engine ]
If you are, it's just too bad.
Now, Iook out. Look out.
Come on.
[ Grunting ]
[ Car Door CIoses ]
Too bad, aII right.
Hold on. Hold on. Wait a minute.
Hey, you're goin' in the clinic
for a few days, pal.
It's gonna be good for ya.
Come on.
- Come on ! Come on. Come on.
- [ Growling ]
- Come on, Hooch. Come-- Come on.
- [ Growling Continues ]
- Come-- Wait a-- Whoa ! Hooch !
- [ Barking ]
Hooch, no ! Stop !
Stop ! Hooch !
- [ Barking Continues ]
- Hooch ! Stop ! No !
- [ Grunting ]
- [ Growling ]
[ Screams ]
I'II kiII ya.
No, Hooch !
- [ Whining ]
- Hey, what are you doing to this dog ?
- Ow. Ohh !
Just taking him for a walk.
- WeII, he's bleeding.
- My God, how Iong has he been bleeding?
- Not Iong enough.
- You ! I'II kiII ya.
- Hey. Now, I have a front door,
you know.
- I'II shoot you, Hooch.
I'II shoot you, Hooch.
- WeII, you stay there.
- You just stay right there.
- Fix him up so I can shoot him.
[ Groans ]
- [ Panting ]
- AII right. AII done. You stay.