Hooch, no ! Stop !
Stop ! Hooch !
- [ Barking Continues ]
- Hooch ! Stop ! No !
- [ Grunting ]
- [ Growling ]
[ Screams ]
I'II kiII ya.
No, Hooch !
- [ Whining ]
- Hey, what are you doing to this dog ?
- Ow. Ohh !
Just taking him for a walk.
- WeII, he's bleeding.
- My God, how Iong has he been bleeding?
- Not Iong enough.
- You ! I'II kiII ya.
- Hey. Now, I have a front door,
you know.
- I'II shoot you, Hooch.
I'II shoot you, Hooch.
- WeII, you stay there.
- You just stay right there.
- Fix him up so I can shoot him.
[ Groans ]
- [ Panting ]
- AII right. AII done. You stay.
- What's your dog's name ?
- [ Groaning ]
Uh, uh, his name is Hooch, but--
Those wounds needed stitching.
- When was the Iast time he saw a vet ?
- I don't know.
WeII, that's neglect. And it's
borderline abuse. I mean, he's filthy.
His diet is terrible,
and Iook, if you cannot--
WeII, no, hey, no,
this is not my dog.
He belonged to an old man
who Iived down by the pier.
- WeII, then, I want to speak to him.
- You can't.
- He was murdered Iast night.
- Whoa. God.
I'm Scott Turner, I'm the, um,
police investigator here in town--
I know. I mean, we use the same bank.
Emily Carson.
- Oh, we do ? Oh. WeII. Oh.
- Yes. Yes.
- I'm sorta new here,
but it's a smaII town, so--
- It's ni-nice to meet you.
- I'm sorry about this misunderstanding.
- That's quite aII right.
I can't stand seeing animals mistreated.
- Can I ask you a question
regarding the dog ?
- Yes. Come in.
There's a good chance, I think,
that he was a witness to the, uh, crime.
He may have to identify a suspect.
Can he do that ?
- Yes. Maybe.
- Can I show him, Iike, a photograph ?
Like a, Iike a mug shot ? And--
- You don't know much
about dogs, do you ?
- WeII, no, I n-never had one.
- Not even as a kid ?
- [ Laughs ] N-No. No way.
WeII, dogs don't see
in two dimensions.