[ Bones Cracking, Groaning ]
[ Sighs ]
AII right.
If we're gonna get along, we're gonna
have to come to a certain understanding.
[ Whines ]
-[ Light Switch CIicks ]
-These are the simple rules: No barking.
No growling. You wiII not Iift your Ieg
to anything in this house.
This is not your room.
[ Light Switch CIicking ]
No slobbering.
No chewing.
You wiII wear a flea coIIar.
This is not your room.
- [ CIicking ]
- No begging for food.
No sniffing of crotches.
And you wiII not
drink from my toilet.
This is not your room.
[ CIicking ]
This is your room.
The rest of the house is mine,
and when I come back into my house,
I Iike to find everything
where I put it.
Everything in its place.
Now, you don't touch my stuff.
And I certainly
won't touch any of yours.
WeII, this is the room to do that.
This is your bed.
You foIIow these very simple rules...
and shut up,
we'll get along fine.
[ Police Chattering ]
[ Snoring ]
[ Man ]
Hey, Scott.
[ Snorting ]