I Iike to find everything
where I put it.
Everything in its place.
Now, you don't touch my stuff.
And I certainly
won't touch any of yours.
WeII, this is the room to do that.
This is your bed.
You foIIow these very simple rules...
and shut up,
we'll get along fine.
[ Police Chattering ]
[ Snoring ]
[ Man ]
Hey, Scott.
[ Snorting ]
[ Tearing ]
- [ Footsteps ]
- So what does it teII you ?
Not much. I never read
an autopsy report before,
and I'd just as soon
never read one again.
Autopsy report's the cornerstone
of any homicide investigation.
This one teIIs us that the perpetrator
probably had special combat training.
- Where did you see that ?
- Right here. "The murder weapon
penetrated the body...
"between the third and fourth ribs,
at an upward angle...
"entering the right Iung
at a depth of two inches,
severing the pulmonary artery.,,
I read that.
The victim was stabbed from behind
on the right side of the rib cage,
which would make
the kiIIer right-handed.
Yeah, yeah.
But you're missing something.
Now, you stab somebody in the heart,
they can stiII scream.
But you penetrate the Iung,
they can't even let out a whisper.