When Harry Met Sally...

Harry, I think this takes a long time.
It might be months before we're able
to enjoy going out with someone new.

Maybe longer before we're able
to go to bed with someone new.

I went to bed with her.
- You went to bed with her?!
- Sure.

- I don't understand this relationship.
- What d'ya mean?

- Enjoy being with her?
- Yeah.

- You find her attractive?
- Yeah.

- And you're not sleeping with her?
- No.

You're afraid to let yourself be happy.
Why can't you gimme credit for this?
This is a big thing for me.

I never had a relationship with a woman
that didn't involve sex. I'm growing.

- Are you finished?
- I got a stack o' quarters. I was here first.

- Were not.
- Was too.

- Were not!
- Was too!

- Big jerk.
- Little creep.

- Where was I?
- You were growing.

It's very freeing. I can say anything to her.
Are you saying you can say things to her
you can't say to me?

No, it's just a different perspective.
I get the woman's point of view on things.

She tells me about the men she sees,
and I talk to her about the women I see.

- You tell her about other women?
- Yeah.

Like the other night, I made love
to this woman and it was incredible.

I took her to a place that wasn't human.
She actually meowed.

- You made a woman meow?
- Yeah, and I can say these things to her.

And the great thing is, I don't have to lie
because I don't wanna get her into bed.

- I can just be myself.
- You made a woman meow?

What do you do with these women?
Just get up and leave?

- Sure.
- Explain how you do it. What do you say?

I say I have an early meeting,
early squash game.

- You don't play squash.
- They don't know that. They just met me.

- That's disgusting.
- I know. I feel terrible.

I'm so glad I never got involved with you.
I just would've been some woman you
had to get outta bed and leave at 3am
