Another 48 Hrs.

l'm supposed to tell you
to take precautions.

Your backup
got barbecued at a racetrack.

- You know what to do with that?
- No problem here, friend.

- l used to be a Marine.
- l guess that figures.

lf you have any trouble, come to me.
You know the number.

Hey, come here.
You got the wrong girl.
l don't do that.

Come on.
My friend and l just came into town.

We're looking for a whore that works
here. Her name's Angel.

She's dancing up in North Beach.
- How about you?
- l'm getting tired of this. Let go!

- l'll call the cops.
- Go ahead, call them.

Let's hit the road, boys.
Come on, Cherry.

ln the matter of the shooting
at Hunter's Point Raceway

of the suspect Arthur Brock,
resident of San Francisco,

the review board has carefully
examined evidence and testimony

and determined that the officer
in question, lnspector Jack Cates,

had insufficient probable cause.
ln view of the on going investigation
by the lnternal Affairs Division,

this review board's ruling is that
the shooting was a wrongful action.

l never thought
they'd land on you so hard.

You'll be prosecuted for manslaughter.
l wish they'd found that gun.
