ln the matter of the shooting
at Hunter's Point Raceway
of the suspect Arthur Brock,
resident of San Francisco,
the review board has carefully
examined evidence and testimony
and determined that the officer
in question, lnspector Jack Cates,
had insufficient probable cause.
ln view of the on going investigation
by the lnternal Affairs Division,
this review board's ruling is that
the shooting was a wrongful action.
l never thought
they'd land on you so hard.
You'll be prosecuted for manslaughter.
l wish they'd found that gun.
- Sorry, Jack. l'm just doing my job.
- Right(!)
Your profile says: "obsessed cop with
a record of stepping over the line."
lt's quite likely the DA will choose
to prosecute you on third degree.
- ln other words, you're screwed.
- Unless l find the lceman.
Give it up, Jack.
That's what got you into this.
Jesus Christ, you sound like Wilson.
We're talking facts here. You've got
no leads, the department's got no leads.
This is manslaughter.
Protect yourself.
Hammond, let's go.
lt's a big day for you today.