Bird on a Wire

In Tennessee, where I was born,
I never saw cars Iike this.

I was 22 before
I knew foreigners made cars.

Are you from Tennessee?
- Yes, ma'am, I'm a Southern boy.
- What's your name?

Billy Ray.
Named after both the scoundrels my mama
thought might have been my daddy.

Is that cash or card, ma'am?
Beg your pardon?
- Will MasterCard do?
- Just fine.

- You remind me of someone a Iot.
- I do?

Yeah, a boy. A man.
Named Rick Jarmin.
His plane went down in Mexico.

Fifteen years ago.
- I never went to Mexico, but--
- You Iaugh Iike him.

- I didn't mean to.
- You Iook Iike him.

I don't know what to teII you.
Want to sign that?

You have a nice day.
- Billy Ray?
- Ma'am?

Do you have a tattoo?
Tattoo? No.
Your upper right arm. A dove.
I don't have a tattoo.
I'm not Ieaving tiII you show me.
I hope nobody's Iooking. There. Satisfied?
Right arm.
I got some shrapneI in Vietnam.
It's down my side. Want to see it?

I'm sorry. My friend
wouId have never been in that war.
