I don't know what to teII you.
Want to sign that?
You have a nice day.
- Billy Ray?
- Ma'am?
Do you have a tattoo?
Tattoo? No.
Your upper right arm. A dove.
I don't have a tattoo.
I'm not Ieaving tiII you show me.
I hope nobody's Iooking. There. Satisfied?
Right arm.
I got some shrapneI in Vietnam.
It's down my side. Want to see it?
I'm sorry. My friend
wouId have never been in that war.
Meaning what?
He was very much against killing.
I'd like to help you, sir,
but Officer Baird is retired.
That's not possible!
He wouldn't retire without telling me.
He's been handling my case
for the last 15 years.
Give me your current name and ID, and
I'II connect you with your new case officer.
With all due respect,
I don't know who the hell you are.
If I give you my name and number,
you'II know everything.
- Hold, please.
- No, hang on. Damn it! Hello?
Excuse me.
That call you've been waiting for?
He's on the line.
He won't give me his current name
or location. He wants Lou Baird.
Rick? How you doing?
This is Joe Weyburn. Remember me?
I set you up at that photo Iab in CIeveIand.