...and an upsurge in competitive
production in Europe and Asia.
Add this to the recent surcharge
imposed by the EEC nations...
...it's clear that to preserve the profit
our shareholders expect...
...we have to make cuts
to our production costs.
While it is true our rising costs...
...will be defrayed by the acquisition of
Coleman Shipping, we should be clear...
You're freaking me out!
AII those opposed?
If Miss Graves wiII respond?
- Miss Graves!
- Yes.
You are abstaining from the finaI vote?
Yes. No, I am not.
I see.
She says to me, ''Marvin,
you're not getting any younger.
''Think about that young man working
for you, and offer him a partnership.''
- We don't have no sons.
- You ain't known me but three months.
How do you know you can trust me
to stick around or not steaI from you?
I got my eyes on you.
The hand is quicker than the eye.
I'm going upstairs and get some sIeep.
See you in the morning.
Think about that partnership.