If Miss Graves wiII respond?
- Miss Graves!
- Yes.
You are abstaining from the finaI vote?
Yes. No, I am not.
I see.
She says to me, ''Marvin,
you're not getting any younger.
''Think about that young man working
for you, and offer him a partnership.''
- We don't have no sons.
- You ain't known me but three months.
How do you know you can trust me
to stick around or not steaI from you?
I got my eyes on you.
The hand is quicker than the eye.
I'm going upstairs and get some sIeep.
See you in the morning.
Think about that partnership.
- I'II see you in the morning.
- That mean it's a deaI?
I sure wiII think about it.
Good night.