Bird on a Wire

Thanks a Iot.
I have a right to be rude.
I Ieft a message for him.

I waited for it and...
He picked it up. What time was that?
I want to go above his head.
Try it by name. Try Bowers.
- Billy Ray Bowers.
- No one by that name on our list.

- No record of a Billy Ray Bowers?
- No, sir.

- Try Jean-Pierre Fouret.
- No, sir.

- Turnbull, Jodie.
- No.

- Carlson, Matthew.
- No, sir.

Try Jarmin, Richard.
Rick Jarmin.
See if anybody by that name exists.

I'm sorry, sir. Have a nice day.
Something's gone wrong.
I don't seem to exist anymore.
Expecting someone?
I have a standing order for breakfast
at 7:00 a.m.

- What time is it?
- 6:48.

You got a gun?
Of course you don't have a gun.

- You got any kind of weapon?
- No. It's my breakfast.

Marianne, get dressed.
Get dressed fast, please.

Yeah, we can make it.
What do you mean ''we''?
I'm not going out there!

Four attempts have been made on my Iife.
If you open that door,
you couId end up dead.

Listen to me. We are at the top
of a veritable fortress.

Yes! Presidents, oiI sheiks stay here.
Friends of Lee Iacocca stay here.
George Harrison stays here.

Yes! Because it has the best security
money can buy. Don't be paranoid.
