I'm sorry, sir. Have a nice day.
Something's gone wrong.
I don't seem to exist anymore.
Expecting someone?
I have a standing order for breakfast
at 7:00 a.m.
- What time is it?
- 6:48.
You got a gun?
Of course you don't have a gun.
- You got any kind of weapon?
- No. It's my breakfast.
Marianne, get dressed.
Get dressed fast, please.
Yeah, we can make it.
What do you mean ''we''?
I'm not going out there!
Four attempts have been made on my Iife.
If you open that door,
you couId end up dead.
Listen to me. We are at the top
of a veritable fortress.
Yes! Presidents, oiI sheiks stay here.
Friends of Lee Iacocca stay here.
George Harrison stays here.
Yes! Because it has the best security
money can buy. Don't be paranoid.
I hate to be an oId woman,
but paranoid keeps me aIive.
This guy comes every morning. Trust me.
- Got your breakfast, Miss Graves.
- What did you order?
- What did you order?
- I ordered...
...grapefruit, croissant...
And what?
Ask him what he's got.
- Go on, ask him. Bet he can't tell you.
- What's for breakfast?
Some kind of breads and fruits.
I'II be right there.
Rick, puII up a chair, sit down.
I'II share my prunes
and then you can teII me aII about this.
Don't take the chain off the door.
Rattle it like you'll take it off.
Make him think you'll take it off.
You mean Iike this? Is that good?
Yeah. It's funny to you.
Oh, God!
- Get the mace!
- You get it!