If I tell them my name,
they'll know who I am.
Good thinking. Why don't
you make one up?
Like what?
Anything you want.
You're in charge.
How about Smith?
Are you checking into a motel?
Give me a first name.
Chip, like from Charles.
Chip? That's a squirrel's name.
How about Charlie?
Charlie? That's a commie name!
It sounds Chinese.
How about Chuck?
That's an all-American name.
His name's Chuck.
- Tell them to go away.
- Go away!
You're doing good.
This ain't workir out
the way I thought it would.
You screwed up, like always.
Was I supposed to sit around
while you screw this guy...
and everything else that moves?
What kind of man would I be...
sitting around with
my johnson in my hand?
That's the only
place it's been.
You bitch!
Move in!
We're gonna rush this place!
You guys should get
an apartment in Beirut.
- You'd be a lot happier.
- They're coming!
Larry, come back!
Don't shoot!
Did you see that?
Shit. I hit him!
It's my foot!
You see what I mean?
He always screws things up!
Shut up, bitch!
Get away!
Get up! Come on!