This ain't workir out
the way I thought it would.
You screwed up, like always.
Was I supposed to sit around
while you screw this guy...
and everything else that moves?
What kind of man would I be...
sitting around with
my johnson in my hand?
That's the only
place it's been.
You bitch!
Move in!
We're gonna rush this place!
You guys should get
an apartment in Beirut.
- You'd be a lot happier.
- They're coming!
Larry, come back!
Don't shoot!
Did you see that?
Shit. I hit him!
It's my foot!
You see what I mean?
He always screws things up!
Shut up, bitch!
Get away!
Get up! Come on!
Get down!
He shot a cop.
He hit one!
I hit him.
Larry, what did you do?
- He shot a cop!
- You shot a cop?
He shot a cop in the foot!
Larry, calm down.
You didn't shoot a cop.
You shot a foot, OK?
Just a foot.
Maybe only a shoe.
Turgeon Auto.
I hear you're having a sale.
Did you still have
that blue Allante?
I don't know if we have it.
We have two.
I know it says one day only,
but maybe call back tomorrow.
I'm tied up right now.
I've got to go. Thank you.
Joseph O'Brien is
the most wonderful man.
Joe. Joey. J-o-e-y.
Please get your dog to shut up!
Shut up, you tight-ass!
I have been in a hostage
situation all morning!