Thanks, Mason, thank you
very goddamned much!
What an asshole!
God damn it.
You want to drill
a hole in my neck...
- with that fucking gun?
- Sorry.
What's this look all about?
Me? Who?
You, pretty boy.
I bet this guy's
been doing Donna...
behind both our backs.
I really didn't...
I never even...
I didn't touch her, really.
What was the look all about?
Just Joey, I swear to God.
Just... Joey.
Larry, it's time we had
that private talk.
I'll tell you everything.
All right.
You and me.
Let's talk.
Everybody up!
All right. Nobody try
anything funny in here.
Look, I'm sorry I didn't...
Shut up!
Just cigarettes, Lar.
You smoke?
No, I don't.
It's a disgusting habit.
- Put it away.
- I'm trying to quit.