Cadillac Man

All right. Nobody try
anything funny in here.

Look, I'm sorry I didn't...
Shut up!
Just cigarettes, Lar.
You smoke?

No, I don't.
It's a disgusting habit.

- Put it away.
- I'm trying to quit.

By the looks of things...
it ain't been so good
with you and Donna.

What's it to you, man?
If things were going good,
you wouldn't be doing her.

You think doing her...
is more important than
the happiness of two people?

If I thought there was
happiness at stake...

I wouldn't be doing her.
Right. So why are
you doing it, then?

Hey, didn't know it was
such a big deal...

till you came through
that door, Larry.

Maybe she's doing me because
she wants to get back at you...

for doing somebody else.
Maybe you're doing
everybody in town...

- I don't know that.
- I'm not, man.

Well, you could be.
I mean, you're good-looking.

- But I'm not.
- Maybe you should.

Donna used to always
say how sexy you were.

She said I was sexy?
She didn't say that.

She didn't not say it.
She's a lying bitch whore.
What kind of foundation
for a relationship...

is calling your wife
a lying bitch whore?

She is a lying bitch whore.
She wasrt when you
married her, was she?

I don't think you're
the type of guy...

who'd marry
a lying bitch whore.

I didn't know her too
good when I married her.

That's not good marrying
someone you don't know...

Well, tell me about it.
Love... sucks.
Yeah, but sometimes
it's pretty nice, too.
