My brother's room is off the living room...
...but it's not fit for use.
We use it for storage.
You'll be more comfortable in my father's.
I like it here, I don't want to leave.
I know I'll have to someday.
But there are things I'll never get rid of.
Look at this. It's empty now...
...but it's one of the first gifts
I ever received.
-ls that you?
It's antique. Is it your mother?
Your grandmother?
It's my grandfather!
That's my grandfather, too,
when he's older.
This is my grandmother.
What does your father do, exactly?
It's a bit wordy: he's a rapporteur...
...for a commission that allocates grants
to young artists.
Is it interesting?
Yes and no.
The work is too administrative
for his taste.
I don't think he's made to be a bureaucrat.
His dream was to be an art critic.
But the two aren't incompatible, right?
He says he's writing a book...
...but he constantly changes the focus,
and it never amounts to anything.
In my opinion,
women have been a bad influence on him.
First, his wife.
My mother.
She wasn't interested in art?
On the contrary.
But in her own way.
She'd have liked him to be an artist...
...a creator, which he isn't.
He is too critical with himself
and admires others too much.
Does he paint?
Not at all.