Conte de printemps

I've been trying to reach you
for the last two days.

Were you out of town?
I went to the country.
You're here, that's the important thing.
-Guess what?
-I don't know.

I was selected after all.
I found out just after you left.
I hadn't waited for the results.
A friend called to tell me
my name was on the list.

I have to stay another week.
You don't mind?

-Not at all.
-I can go to a hotel.

Are you crazy? It's no problem.
I told you, I hardly live here.
I just came to pick up some books.
I feel really bad about it.
It's so nice of you.

Gildas will pick me up Saturday.
We're leaving Sunday.

Would you like to come to dinner with us
Saturday night?

I don't know if I'll be free.
Say yes, we really want you to come.
I'll call you. You'll be here?
I'll be here every night
between 6:30 and 7::30.

Don't bother trying to call me,
I won't be there very often.

Who's there?
Guess what happened?
Your cousin is still there?

I'm so glad!
Now you can't escape!
Her class's been extended...
:45:49 I thought I'd make you happy,
her happy....

-And you, too, I hope?
-And me.

The only problem...
:45:55 I didn't dare tell her
I wasn't at Mathieu's.

Because then she'd feel obliged
to go to a hotel.
