Conte de printemps

My presence here is a handicap.

I'll be hurt if you leave.
Let me go, please.
Jeanne, listen.
If you think Natacha and I have cooked up
a ridiculous plot....

My daughter's childish whims
are her own affair.

I had nothing to do with it.
If anyone was pulled into things today,
it was l.

I hope you believe me.
I believe you.
But if you keep repeating it...
...I won't believe anything you say.
Not anything?
It's a figure of speech.
See? I'm joking.
You're leaving?
I have to clean up my apartment.
Your cousin is really leaving?
Yes, I just called.
She was leaving to catch a train.

We must see each other tomorrow.
Mathieu's coming back tomorrow.
We'll see each other another day.

It sucks that we have to part
on such bad terms.

As far as I'm concerned,
I'm not leaving on bad terms.

I just thought that yesterday
was a bit eventful.

-When did you leave?
-Last night. I had dinner with your father.
