Conte de printemps

You're leaving?
I have to clean up my apartment.
Your cousin is really leaving?
Yes, I just called.
She was leaving to catch a train.

We must see each other tomorrow.
Mathieu's coming back tomorrow.
We'll see each other another day.

It sucks that we have to part
on such bad terms.

As far as I'm concerned,
I'm not leaving on bad terms.

I just thought that yesterday
was a bit eventful.

-When did you leave?
-Last night. I had dinner with your father.

He said lots of nice things about you.
He doesn't blame you at all.
We listened to your Schumann recording.
It's beautiful.
You were 14?
Etudes Symphoniques....
I hope I've made progress.

You could've stayed for the night.
No, I had too much to do.
It would've delayed me.

Please don't be too angry with me
for abandoning you.

When it comes to love, you're allowed
to abandon even your best friend.

William is almost the same age
as my father...

:39:34 I don't like to see them together.
Besides, they're both extremely shy.
His arrival completely disoriented me...
...I didn't expect to see him.
If I knew he was coming,
I would've told you.

You didn't tell me your father was coming.
My father?
That's different.
