...was that the necklace had fallen
when he hung up his trousers.
So he looked in the shoes
that were on the ground...
...but not in the boxes that were up there.
Do you understand?
Do you think he put the shoes in the box...
...between the time he hung up his pants...
...and realized the necklace was missing?
They're old shoes
that he hardly ever wears.
That has to be it.
Contrary to what you think,
I don't like accusing people.
I'm happy to have my necklace back.
It's beautiful, don't you think?
What's wrong?
-It's nothing.
-You're crying?
It's nothing.
I'm sorry about before. I was being stupid.
Sometimes my imagination
plays tricks on me...
...and I get totally thrown off track.
Me, too!
In any case, the time I've spent here
hasn't been entirely wasted.
-I felt like I was intruding.
At least I did something useful.
Do you think they'll believe us?
I don't know about Eve...
...but I'm sure your father will.
If they're still together, which I doubt.
But as their relationship
will be over shortly....
Did you see how he came back yesterday?
Life is beautiful!