the four "B's" you
learned here at RSVP.
And what are they,
children, the four "B's"?
(all) Beauty, brains,
breeding, bounty!
[Audience applauding] Yes! Yes!
Oh, take it easy, honey.
I'm not getting any
younger here, you know.
Teenagers everywhere, repent!
Let Jesus Christ be your gang leader!
Get out of Turkey Point
before it's too late.
Thanks for the picture.
All right, who's up?
Toe-Joe Jackson's art
photography right here!
Be a nudie-cutie, make
good money to bootie.
Hey, I'm paying $3 a shot.
You got it, what the hell,
why not show it, right?
Hey, you.
Yeah, you, the looker
with the class-A
sealed-beam headlights.
You want to pose for Toe-Joe?
Beat it, creep.
Here he comes now,
with that devil woman.
Hi, Mrs. Hackett.
Imagine our shame.
Our only child, and he
carries illegal weapons,
drives fast cars,
and wears clothes obviously
designed by homosexuals.
But he knows better.
Jesus is still in his heart.
Jeez, Mom and Dad, go home.
You're embarrassing me.
I'm a teenager. I want to live.
##[Music playing]