Baro's play!
Sing the again
and there'll be a massacre!
You're no Samson!
Fall silent!
I hereby challenge you all.
I'll take names.
Step forward
young heroes, each in turn.
Come along...
Who wishes to head the list?
You, sir? No?
I'll give the first a funeral
as his due.
Raise your right hand
all who wish to die.
My naked blade offends your eye?
No names?
No hands?
Good. Let me speak then.
I wish to see theatre cured...
of this inflammation.
Here's the lancet!
My lords...ladies and gentlemen!
Flock of muttonheads!
Bravo! Good! Bravo!
Let's have no bravos.
The famed thespian whose paunch
you love so much felt sick.
He had to leave.
Bring him back.
What's your reason, sir?
Why show such enmity to Montfleury?
Two reasons, one will suffice.
Firstly, he's a terrible mouther