It looks like we got
every hood in town in one room--
Pruneface, Flattop, Johnny Ramm.
- Those guys hate each other.
- Better get over here fast.
- I gotta find out why they're together.
- All right, let's go.
Baby, you're mine on a platter
I always
Get my
We got a problem with organization.
We're all split up. That's bad business.
While we're divided,
the cops can keep us under control.
But use your imaginations.
We form this big company, see.
Each of us here at the table
are on the board of directors.
- I'm chairman of the board.
- Why you?
Because I have a vision.
A big boss must have a vision.
We got a town with thousands
of small stores and businesses,
people who are workin' real hard.
I think they should be
workin' real hard for us...
because we are for the people.
And "if you ain't for the people,
you can't buy the people." Lincoln.
We will become
the people's silent partner.
Every time some citizen buys
a pound of hamburger, we get a nickel.
Every time some guy gets a haircut,
we get a dime.
We'll dress like bankers,
join the Rotary Club.
Together we will own this town.
Why you?
- Excuse me.
- Hey.
When do we kill Dick Tracy?
As you know, if anything happens
to Tracy, I'm the prime suspect.
- Leave Dick Tracy to me.
- I say we kill Tracy now.
- You say?
- I say.
I say you say nothing.
I say you get behind me, we all profit.
You challenge me,
we all go down.