I think they should be
workin' real hard for us...
because we are for the people.
And "if you ain't for the people,
you can't buy the people." Lincoln.
We will become
the people's silent partner.
Every time some citizen buys
a pound of hamburger, we get a nickel.
Every time some guy gets a haircut,
we get a dime.
We'll dress like bankers,
join the Rotary Club.
Together we will own this town.
Why you?
- Excuse me.
- Hey.
When do we kill Dick Tracy?
As you know, if anything happens
to Tracy, I'm the prime suspect.
- Leave Dick Tracy to me.
- I say we kill Tracy now.
- You say?
- I say.
I say you say nothing.
I say you get behind me, we all profit.
You challenge me,
we all go down.
There was one Napoleon,
one Washington, one me.
I'm out.
It only works if we're all in.
Then it don't work.
I got a good business.
I'll take my chances alone.
Let him go, let him go.
It's still a free country.
Maybe he'll have a change of heart.
Sam, I'm worried about Tracy. What would
it take to make you go off your trolley?
Not me. I'm not the type.
Tracy, are you crazy?
You don't have a search warrant.
If you don't get off that ledge,
do you have any idea
what the D.A. will do to you?
-Yeah, Tracy, this is Pat. Come on down.
-Just be ready to get me outta here.
Who's that? Spaldoni?
I think that's Spaldoni leaving.
If any of those bums find you up there,
Tracy, the chief'll never forgive you.