- Champagne, Miss Mahoney?
- Breathless...
that was beautiful, as always.
I'm so happy you liked it.
- You mind if I leave?
- Why?
- I get sick when you eat.
- You didn't used to.
- You didn't used to be a zeppelin.
- Your devotion is touching.
- Lips!
Lips, it's a raid! It's the cops!
Lips Manlis, you're under arrest
for owning and operating
a gambling establishment.
- Yeah? Where's your warrant?
- Right here. Let's go.
- You too, Breathless.
- I wasn't gamblin', I was singin'.
- Get in the car.
- Flattop.
- These ain't cops!
- Who are they?
Hiya, Lips.
Hiya, Breathless. Let's go.
Even Chief Brandon says you'd make
a wonderful chief of police.
- It's a desk job.
- What's so bad about a desk job anyway?
You think if you sit at a desk
you're playing it safe...
but, Tracy, if you weren't out in the
street every night riskin' your neck,
you could have a wife-- I mean, a life.
Nobody's gonna put Big Boy Caprice
behind bars sittin' behind a desk.
Tracy, you said you were gonna
take a day off tomorrow.
- Huh?
- Hmm?
Come on.
- Tracy, did you say you're gonna--
- Sure, but--
- Hey, kid!
- Hey!
- Hey-- Hey!
- Where you goin'?
- Stop him!
- Take it easy.
- Hey, stop!
- Huh?
- He stole my watch!
- Hey, kid. Hey! Hey, kid!
- Stop that boy! Stop that boy!
C-- Come here.
Did you steal this man's watch?
- Hi, Tess.
- The rest of my party should be
arriving any minute.
Come on, kid.
You're makin' a mistake!
It's only a watch! You don't wanna
get yourself in this kind of trouble!
Hey! What are you tryin' to do?
You're gonna get hurt, kid!