Dick Tracy
Gangland enforcers broke the arms ofan elderly news dealer this afternoon...
when he refused to sharehis week's receipts with them.
Stacks of newspaperswere tossed in the gutter...
as the thugs wrecked the businessand made their getaway.
Lunchtime crowds were paralysedby the suddenness of the crime.
Not a hand was raised in protest!
Organized crime is their name.
What appeared to be organized hoodsshattered the kneecaps...
of the beloved operatorof a shoeshine parlour today...
as horrified customers looked on.
The bootblack would notgive up his receipts...
and paid dearly for his failureto surrender to gang demands.
A mother of four, unable to paya gambling debt, lies dead tonight.
Gangland thugs left herto expire in a pool of blood...
as they helped themselvesto the contents of a cash register...
inside the luncheonette.
I was talkin' to them,at the station house, you know, and
it was the darnedest thing I ever saw.
Oh, yeah? Wow.
Five, no help.King, no help.
- Aces and eights.- Twenty.
- Ohh.- Okay, I'm callin'.
Deuce, still possible.Six, no help.
Got a pair of aces,a pair of eights.