- Night, Tracy.
- Uh, Tess.
You know, you're one in a million.
Romance him if he begs you to
Now I'm followin' you
Oh, Tracy, good night.
Oh, by the way, Tracy,
have a good sleep.
Rompin' stompin'
I'm rompin'
Rompin' stompin'
I'm rompin'
Rompin' stompin' all day
- You tried the iodine transfer?
- Yes, Tracy.
- And the silver nitrate?
- Twice.
Big Boy Caprice's fingerprints
are not on those walnuts, Tracy.
Well, I had to take the gamble.
What is it, Sam?
Tess is waiting, boy's department,
Marshall and Bradbury.
She says she's not gonna
go for a drive in the country
with that kid if he's wearing
Police brutality, boys.
And this is the fifth time.
Lucky for me I don't bruise easily.
Mr Caprice, do you intend
to take legal action against the city
for false arrest?
Why should I blame the city
for something one man is doing?
This Tracy character's unstable.
The city should get rid of him.
- You mean,
if you don't get rid of him first.
- Who said that?
Hey, there's Fletcher!
"Law without order is as great a danger
to the people as order without law."
How can I support
a maverick police detective...
who keeps making false arrests
of private citizens
and throwing them in jail?
- Tracy, I am district attorney--
- Tracy!
Tess can't get the kid to take off
these smelly clothes.
Chief, I am a candidate for mayor.
If you can't control Detective Tracy,
you'll just have to take him off duty.
Or I'll have to prosecute him
and take you off duty.
Tracy, Tess is havin' a terrible time
with this kid. What should I do?
Hey, hey, hey! Come here!
Come here! Hey, come on!
- You don't have to wear
what Tess tells you to wear.
- No!
Come here! Where you goin'?
What are you runnin' away from?
- I don't need no suit.
A suit's for school.
- School?
You can't fool me. That means
the orphanage. I ain't wearin' no suit.