Why waste it in chatter
-Careful, Tracy. The waiters carry guns.
-We'll settle
The matter
Baby, you're mine on a platter
- I always get my man
- Come in, Tracy. All set.
- Okay, boys, let's go.
- This is it. Keep it quiet.
Keep it quiet.
How could you-- All right.
All right, all right. I got it
under control. I got it. Please.
Everybody, it's okay!
Please! Please!
Okay-- No, no!
I got it under control! Everybody!
No! No, look, folks.
It's okay. Everything's under con--
Just sit down. Everything.
Relax. It's easy.
Get this thing taken care of.
It's okay. No, everything's all right.
Okay, Bill, that side of the room.
Frank, cover the bar.
Hello, Big Boy. The gang's all here.
What is it, a class reunion?
This is a private party, mister.
Invitation only.
- The more you resist, babe
- Here's my invitation.
- A search warrant.
- The more it excites me
And no one I've kissed, babe
Ever fights me again
You're on my list
- Because it's just a question of when
- No gamblin', no nothin', Tracy.
What, you mean
you thought we had gambling here?
I wouldn't be caught dead
in a place that permitted gambling.
- I'll be back, Big Boy.
- Listen, tell me when you're comin'.
- I'll have a big party waitin' for ya.
- Let's go, boys.
- Right, Tracy.
- Then, baby, amen
- Hey, hey.
- I thought you was gonna
take care of Tracy.
He didn't look around.
Did you notice?
- Yeah.
- I don't get it.
- He was just tryin'
- How'd it go?
- Clockwork.
Well, let's just hope
Big Boy thinks I'm too stupid
to look under the top of a table.