Die Hard 2

..made Congress withholdfunds.
Esperanza is accused
ofreplacing the funds...

- ..by cocaine smuggling.
- (beeping)

Although Esperanza was removed
as commanderin chiefthis year,...

..the agreement to extradite him
was onlyreachedyesterday.

Washington insiders say
a phone callmade ithappen,...

..a phone call from a...
All right, all right.
lf l could find a phone,
l'd call you, whoever you are.

Excuse me. Thank you.
This is LieutenantMcClane.
Somebody there beep me?

- l'd like to think l'm somebody.
- Honey!

Where are you? Did you land yet?
lt's the nineties, remember?
Microchips, microwaves, faxes, air phones.
As far as l'm concerned,
progress peaked with frozen pizza.

Listen, um, we're going to be
about half an hour late landing, OK?

l just wanted to let you know.
The kids OK?

They'll lose their minds
from all the sugar your parents give them.

Did Mom give you a hard time
about borrowing her new car?

No. Notyet.
Listen, honey, when you land,
can we just, like, you know,...

..rent a car, check into a hotel,
leave the kids with your parents?

Order some room service?
A bottle ofchampagne,
what do you say?
