(glass breaks)
(bicycle bell rings)
Nice guess, asshole.
l'm a cop. That was the bad guy.
Where's your lD?
On its way to Cleveland?
No, you did not explain anything.
You just shoved me back here
into this cattle car.
Sir, you were told we were overbooked.
Fine. Done. l accept that.
But why can't l get the first-class
meal my network paid for?
- Do you know who l am?
- Yes. We've seen your programme.
Your episode, Flying Junkyards, was
an objective look at air traffic safety.
lt wasn't nearly as edifying as
Bimbos OfThe Sky, was it, Connie?
You think you're funny.
You think you're funny.
l've got your number.
And l've got yours.
So park it, sir.
Mr Thornberg,...
..you cannot monopolise my time.
You cannot put me near that woman.
Excuse me?
He means he's filed
a restraining order against me.
l'm not allowed within 50 feet of him.
50 yards.
So by keeping me in this section,
you are violating a court order.
l can sue you and this airline.
That woman assaulted me,
and she humiliated me in public.