What did you do?
Knocked out two of his teeth.
Would you like some champagne?
Sorry, Officer McClane.
l had to check.
Here's your piece and shield back.
(reporter) Overhere, officer!
We understand that there was shooting.
..the presence
ofJustice Department officials?
What the fuck are you people...
What are you doing?
This is a crime scene.
You got to seal this area off.
That's up to the captain.
Maybe you better take me
up to the captain, then, huh?
- Where's Cochrane?
- He didn't make it.
You're late.
We ran into trouble, Colonel.
Some cop... killed Cochrane.
l barely got away, sir.
Did you accomplish your mission?
Yes, sir, but... Cochrane, sir.
Well, then the damage is minimal.
The penalty could be severe.
You fail me again,
and the chamber won't be empty.
Miss. Miss. l can't find my dog.
- Miss. My dog.
- One minute, ma'am.
l want you to fill out this form.
(knock on door)
Who is it? Come in.