Lorenzo, have all your shift
commanders report in. Now.
You're not buying into this?!
They're to report anything unusual,
however trivial. Got that?
Yeah, l got it.
- Oh, my God!
- What?
- The runways.
- What the hell?
- They're shutting down.
- Jesus Christ.
Go to emergency lighting now.
Emergency. We are in a code yellow.
Backup systems won't come up.
- Shunt to another terminal.
- Bobby, what have you got?
- Nothing. The network is down.
- Should we call the power company?
We're on the same goddamn grid.
We're hot.
Dulles, what's going on? l'm on approach.
- Maintain position. Repeat.
- What's going on down there?
Roger. We're on it.
- We're unable right now. Delay.
- Fuji 604.
Execute published missed-approach
procedure and hold.
TWA 23, unable to clear you
for approach at this time.
Climb to and maintain one zero thousand.
l've checked all systems.
lt ain't happening.
Yeah, yeah, yeah...
- What's it look like?
- Approach control, it's gone.
lnstrument landing system is down.
Confirmed. lLS is dead.
Every goddamn system's dead.
And lNMAC monitors are down.
Attention all controllers.
Attention. We have a code-red alert.
(PA) Everyaircraftapproaching oursector...
..and notalready in ourlandingpattern...
..gets diverted to theiralternate airport.
Everyone already on approach
or inside our pattern...
..holds at the outer markers.
Stack 'em, pack 'em, and rack 'em.
Get someone on it!
All right.
Not a word ofthis leaves this room.