Die xue jie tou

No matter what, the goods come first.
It's our lifeline.

It's so peaceful,
doesn't seem to be at war.

Who gives a shit,
the war's their problem.

They're killing Vietnamese,
nothing to do with us.

We're here to get rich!
Then move on to Thailand!

Will we make it?
No sweat! Smugglers -
they're all millionaires.

With a new place there's new hope.
And this is our new hope.

Guess how I'm gonna spent
my first million!

Buy yourself a Mercedes!
That's obvious!

Dummy! Would I risk my life
for a friggin' Mercedes?

Either I don't go back,
or I go back loaded!

If I make a fortune, first,
I'd buy my mom
loads of embroidered slippers,

Then she can't hit me
with her wooden clogs!

I only want to go back for Jane.
Then I'll get you your ticket!
You better mean it. I'll remember

Wow! What a scene!
Hey! What's happening?

Get out.
Hey! What's happening?

