Fire Birds

I was flying wing
with Captain Tejada.

Lt. Dobbs,
the other American...

was with
Captain Mendez.

Between the 2 Cobras was
a Black Hawk helicopter...

with a support team
of American...

and South American
D.E.A. agents.

It was our
4th mission as a team.

We were entering
a new sector.

It was rumored
among the locals...

that this was an area
of offensive cartel activity...

but we were
used to such rumors.

We were 5 miles
from the objective...

when we saw the Scorpion
attack helicopter.

Dobbs, bogey at your 12:00!
Black Hawk,
get the hell out of there.

The Black Hawk
began evasive action...

but the Scorpion
was too fast...

heavily armed,
and hard to find.

The pilot was
the best I'd ever seen.

I tried to pull the Scorpion
away from the Black Hawk...

but to no use.
He was a cold killer.
Wake up,
goddamn it!

I took the controls...
and crossed over the top of the
Scorpion before he could fire.

I made it
out of the area.

We said the cartel
was up to something.

I'm not blaming anybody.
We're on the same side.

We have some
decisions to make.

Thank you, Mr. Preston.
That will be all.

May I say

Go ahead.
I volunteered to fly
with the anti-drug forces.

I watched the men
in those choppers...

risk their lives for their
families and their country.
