We were working with localmilitary anti-drug forces...
a search and destroymission on cocaine labs.
Lt. Dobbs and I had trainedlocal pilots in Cobras...
for their ownstrike forces.
This is Snake Two...
entering sector 4079.
Advise operationsof our position.
Wilco, Dobbs.How's the view up front?
I'll be gladwhen we get out of this canyon.
I was flying wingwith Captain Tejada.
Lt. Dobbs,the other American...
was withCaptain Mendez.
Between the 2 Cobras wasa Black Hawk helicopter...
with a support teamof American...
and South AmericanD.E.A. agents.
It was our4th mission as a team.
We were enteringa new sector.
It was rumoredamong the locals...
that this was an areaof offensive cartel activity...
but we wereused to such rumors.
We were 5 milesfrom the objective...
when we saw the Scorpionattack helicopter.
Dobbs, bogey at your 12:00!
Black Hawk,get the hell out of there.
The Black Hawkbegan evasive action...
but the Scorpionwas too fast...
heavily armed,and hard to find.
The pilot wasthe best I'd ever seen.
I tried to pull the Scorpionaway from the Black Hawk...