Nice and easy.
Try to keep
the airplane level...
and the velocity
vector centered.
sliding left.
Don't second-guess
the equipment.
What you see
with your right eye...
should be coordinated
with the video screen.
Look right
70 degrees.
Where are you
taking us?
Don't turn us,
turn your head.
Maintain your heading.
You've got us close enough
to the rocks to count lizards.
I do not want to smack
that canyon wall.
I can't focus.
I didn't know
we were turning.
That wall is your line of sight.
Come to a heading of 240.
Drop us down to 300 feet.
Come on.
Cross-check your
picture with your data.
Keep your
eye moving.
Where's the cocksure
sky jock I had last week?
You're yawing.
- Trim it up.
- I'm working on it.
Come to heading 200.
See that big rock out there?
Do you see that
big rock out there?
Do you see that big
airplane-killing rock?
What the hell do you
want me to do with it?
I want you to approach
that rock on this heading...
until you are within
500 feet of it.
Cross left in front
of it on heading 170...
climbing out at 500 feet
to clear the canyon rim.
- Clear?
- Yeah.
Do it, Preston.
Make your turn.
I'm doing it.
But it's ugly.
I'm turning.
Closing on it.
I'm turning.
Take it up!