Thank you.
I'm sorry about
the sangria.
Don't you ever
want me to win?
Today you are entering...
the final phase of
aerial combat training.
You will engage
in air-to-air combat...
with your
flight instructors.
Your scores today will be
the determining factor...
for selection to
the Apache task force.
Good luck,
Thanks for getting me
through the bag.
It's my job.
You've done very well.
I'm glad
to see it.
Just so you know...
I will be kicking
your ass today.
All right!
This is Rattler,
ready for a full day.
Proceed with Stinger
to sector kilo.
This is Stinger.
Roger. Out.
Let's go to our corners
and come out fighting.
These guys are serious.
- Breaker, you like history?
- No.
You better start,
because we're about to make it.
Bring 'em on.
Jump ball, kids.