There you go.
Go for it.
This is
really stupid.
- Yeah!
- All right!
How about
that drink now?
Uh, no, thanks.
No, Billie.
Welcome to the future.
Descend the stairway
and turn right.
At the first platform,
enter the big black box.
Make ready
for war.
Want some gum, Breaker?
No, thanks.
Little, how about you?
Strawberry gum?
It's delicious.
Come on,Jake.
This simulator will do
anything the Apache will do.
It will also do anything
your enemy will do.
Good, because I have
a pocket full of quarters.
Let's go play.
- Set up X-ray.
- Yes, sir.
This program is called "X-ray. "
All babies need to crawl
before they walk.
All systems are up.
The pilot has the controls.
The name of the
game is surprise.
Stay low, using
the terrain for cover...